UV Plant ( Ultra Violet) To Make Water Complete Safe For Drinking.
Water Technologies-UV PLANT.


UV system (Ultra Violet) is a process of disinfection of drinking water Using ultraviolet (UV) light for drinking water disinfection dates back to 1910. It is a reliable means of disinfection which involves exposing contaminated water to radiation from UV light. The treatment works because UV light penetrates an organism’s cell walls and disrupts the cells genetic material, making reproduction impossible. A special lamp generates the radiation that creates UV light by striking an electric arc through low-pressure mercury vapour. The lamp emits a broad spectrum of radiation with intense peaks at UV wavelengths of 253.7 nanometers (nm) and research has shown that it is the optimum UV wavel ength range to destroy bacteria.

UV disinfection can remove the threat to health from water borne Pathogens without the creation of disinfection by products that can be generated from drinking water chlorination. From the common bacteria, E-Coli through the Cryptosporidium Oocysts to Adenovirus, UV disinfection is capable of providing effective treatment to ensure inactivation of these Pathogens and ensures that drinking water is safe. UV is simple to install and requires little supervision, maintenance or space. Improved safety, minimum service time, low operation and maintenance costs and the absence of a chemical smell or taste in finished water are some of the major advantages for selecting UV technology over traditional disinfection technologies. Research has confirmed that UV effectiveness is relatively insensitive to temperature and pH differences.


  • Has no known toxic or significant nontoxic byproducts.
  •  Has no danger of overdosing
  •  Removes some organic contaminants
  •  Has no volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions or toxic air emissions
  •  Has no onsite smell and no smell in the final water product.
  •  Requires very little contact time (seconds versus minutes for chemical disinfection)Does not require storage of hazardous material.
  •  Requires minimal space for equipment and contact chamber.
  • Improves the taste of water as some organic contaminants and nuisance microorganisms are destroyed.
  • Does not affect minerals in the water.
  • Has no impact on the environment..

Process for UV PLANT

UV or Ultra Violet is a process to remove various Pathogens and Bacterias from water

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Industries We Serve

designing a wastewater treatment plant

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sewage treatment facility

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wastewater treatment technologies

Paintings & Dyes

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Breweries & Distilleries

biological treatment for wastewater


sludge wastewater treatment


wastewater water treatment


treatment of wastewater


sewage treatment plant in ship

Paper & Pulp

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aerobic treatment of wastewater


sewage treatment systems


chemical treatment of wastewater


secondary treatment of wastewater


wastewater treatment system


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We’re here to help! Contact us to learn more about our water treatment solutions, or to discuss your next project with our experts.


RO Water Maker is a purifier system that uses the principle of reverse osmosis to remove 95-99% of all the mineral and chemical contaminants from raw tap water. R.O. gives you the quality of water.

The membrane consists of several thin layers or sheets of film that are bonded together and rolled in a spiral configuration around a plastic tube. (This is also known as a thin film composite or TFC membrane) The material of the membrane is semi-permeable with .0001 micron pores. It allows water molecules pass through while acting as a barrier to dissolved solids (i.e.: mineral chemical contaminants). When the feed water stream passes across the surface of the membrane, the molecules penetrate the membrane surface, working their way around the spiral and collecting in the center tube. The remaining contaminants are concentrated and washed from the surface of the membrane down the drain.

“One indication is a gradual reduction is water production caused by a layering of minerals and salts on the membrane surface. Another is gradual deterioration in the quality of water being produced. You my notice a different taste or whiter scrum on the inside of a pan of water you are boiling. This might mean the R.O. membrane is disintegrating and requires replacement. Generally it should change after 3-3.5 year from installation”
It is depended on Case to case. Generally Power consumpation require to run all the pumps.
It is deplended on RO feed water quality and design.
“Micron Cartridge Filter and RO Antiscalent chemical are consumable material. Micron Cartridge Filter change every three month and Antisclant yearly uses for 1000 LPH RO Plant @ 50 Kg base on 8 hr. working. “
It is use in utility persose flusing or Gardening. Aslo he put reject water RO plant for this reject water.
Depended on client requirement. We should supply both type manual and automazation plant.
Reverse osmosis systems reject particles down to the size of .0001 microns. A good reverse osmosis system will reject 95%-99% of most feed water contaminants. Industrial reverse osmosis systems typically recover anywhere from 50% to 75% of filtered feed water. So for every 100 gallons filtered, about 50-75 gallons is recovered as product water.
Because they produce great-tasting, very pure water at a reasonable price when compared to buying bottled water, and in a trouble-free, fully automatic format to boot. Committed water drinkers know, not all water tastes the same.
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